Μαρτίου 31, 2011

    Inequality in Greece

    “America is not broke”….Michael Moore…….25th March 2011 Wisconsin USA
    Here is some good news.

    As I would like to start on a positive note it has been difficult to find one, so here I go.

    Greece is not broke either.

    They are telling us this through the main stream media so as we do not rise up and demand our self-dignity and our true values, which are hard, work with fair pay and a life of peace and security.

    Guess what it all has to do with money. 

    200 people in Greece have more wealth than 9 million people of Greece.
    These 200 people pay little or no tax to the Greek government.

    The Greek government heavily relay on them, for funding their massive political campaigns, and not to say the bribery and corruption which has spread like a disease through Greek politics.

    So these 200 people have all the political influence, all the job creations, all the wealth of the nation , so in reality Greece is not Bankrupt the distribution of wealth is managed by the very few. There is billions of Euros in Greece, just one example one family has over 9 billion Euros at their disposal, and they will not spend any part to create the much needed jobs because the way the economy is. Do you get my point? They have the money they don’t spend it so the economy remains at a low point. In other words it’s a catch 22.
    What does this all mean?

    Well, they force governments such as Pasok and as previous governments such as New Democracy party to firstly pass laws which make it harder for the working or middle class, so as diminish their rights in work and society. They force governments to use brute force against their own people when they protest to any unbalanced or highly adverse effect that these laws might have upon them. As we are currently watching with horror in Keratea.

    They (the wealthy 200) also by backing the government in power often get away with polluting the environment and of course as we covered earlier they pay hardly any taxes.

    While the rest of the working people the burden upon them is enormous to work and pay their share of taxes.

    OK, what can we do to change this long addiction of power and greed?
    I can start by saying that firstly we need to change our line of thought.
    e.g.: What can I do? I'm only one person.

    A famous Greek saying and I quote “DEN ASXOLOUME ME TOUS MALAKES”

    So we need to change this exact mind thinking.

    e.g.: if for example Ghandi said these words the British would still be in control of India.

    And there are many more examples which we could get into, but we will leave this for another time.

    So what actions can we take to change these thoughts?

    We have to firstly take a look at why we do think in a way that makes us feel we are powerless.

    Maybe it's the way we have been bought up, maybe our faith, maybe when we were small children, and grandmother was always Shouting don’t go outside u will catch a cold or don’t go swimming you will drown or if you don’t be quite I'll take you to the doctor and he will give you an Injection. I can't know everything, but I know that the Greek people are living their lives in fear.
    Fear for their jobs, fear of outsiders, and fear of their relationships, that’s why Greece has one of the highest divorce rates in the world.
    Now we know the cause why we as the people allow a few power addicted people run our lives. It's called "FEAR".

    Coming back to what can we do?

    First, as a group, fear will diminish, so as we could with our friends , our neighbours, organize a time to go to your local government representative and ask him or her ,What is her stance on this and other important issues. If you are still afraid that they might call the police to evict you well that's easy, make shore you have invited the media to join you or an opposition party to attend.

    Also we live in an age of technology, make sure that you video tape everything and let them know you are doing so.

    Organize peaceful rallies.

    Use the internet to achieve your aim.

    One thing that Governments fear is communication amongst people.
    Well they never counted that the net will give this to the people.
    Like the wealthiest people of Greece are addicted to power and money and they need to change so do we.

    If we don't change the road in front of us will be dark to say the least.
    I hope that I can be of any assistance to help in any way I can in these difficult times.

    Most important if you find this Information helpful or you have also something constructive to add to it, please do so and distributed around the internet or anywhere you feel will help the good of our Nation. You may also translate this note without Infringement of copy write.

    With patriotic regards

    φίλος αναγνώστης από το εξωτερικό 

    Item Reviewed: Inequality in Greece Rating: 5 Reviewed By: forkeratea